Colton is good company that always makes me happy and peaceful even though he already invaded most of my territory on my bed. But everything is alright with Colton.

Dr. Sunah Cho, Instructional Designer/Project Manager & Instructor, Centre for Teaching, Learning & Technology, UBC 1170-2329 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Canada Tel: 604-822-8964 Fax: 604-822-8636 Web: http://ctlt.ubc.ca
3. Domestic Violence
- Location: UBC Telestudios
- Participants: Domestic Violence Role Play (Sandra Menker, Gali Bar, and Dr. Mary Russell); MCFD (Ministry of Children and Family Development) Interview (Sheila Robinson, Debbie Samija, Paul Houle, and Dr. Mary Russell)
- Special thanks to Paul Houle, who is the team leader of MCFD, for arranging the event
Photos belowI thank all the participants for their great contributions and dedications to this project. I believe the course will be very enjoyable and resourceful thanks to the participants' willingness and passion to be part of this course. We have a couple of more scenes to complete in this project. As soon as our video is finalized, I will send it to the participants. Last but not least, my grateful appreciation should go to Chris Crowley (Instructional Designer) and Saeed Dyanatkar (Media Technologiest) because I could not have gotten these done without their excellent commitments.